Intercoiffure Mondial Fashion Photo-shoot, Frankfurt, germany

On this very day, the artistic team of Intercoiffure Mondial is producing what will constitute the next Intercoiffure Mondial Hair Collection 2024.
This collection will be revealed to the world on the occasion of the yearly event scheduled on May 25 > 27, 2024 in Barcelona, Spain.
Who composes the fashion team ? The artistic Directors of the Intercoiffure Regions :
- Hiroyuki OHBAYASHI for the Asia Region
- Natasha BALABANOVA for the Estearn Europe Region
- Kay SCHNEIDER for the Western Europe Region
- Ara KOIVULA for the Nordic Region
- Anna PACITTO for the North America Region
- James CALABRIA for the Oceania Region
- Marcelo HARIN for the Latin America Region
Photo-shooting session under the leadership of Markus Herrmann, Vice President Intercoiffure Mondial, in charge of the fashion for our organization.
Contribution of the Fondation Guillaume international and World Academy on site. All of them invite our members to Barcelona to discover this brand new collection.